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out url icon Recercat Global meta-analysis of native and nonindigenous trophic traits in aquatic ecosyste Mcknight, Ella ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Srean, Pao ; Rius, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 maig 2017 Global meta-analysis of native and nonindigenous trophic traits in aquatic ecosystems Mcknight, Ella ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Srean, Pao ; Rius, Marc
out url icon Recercat Green Approach for Ultratrace Determination of Divalent Metal Ions and Arsenic Species Using Total-Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Mercapto-Modified Graphene Oxide Nanosheets as a Novel Adsorbent Sitko, Rafal ; Janik, Paulina ; Zawisza, Beata ; Talik, Ewa ; Marguí Grabulosa, Eva ; Queralt i Mitjans, Ignasi
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 març 2015 Green Approach for Ultratrace Determination of Divalent Metal Ions and Arsenic Species Using Total-Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Mercapto-Modified Graphene Oxide Nanosheets as a Novel Adsorbent Sitko, Rafal ; Janik, Paulina ; Zawisza, Beata ; Talik, Ewa ; Marguí Grabulosa, Eva ; Queralt i Mitjans, Ignasi
doc icon DUGiDocs 12 desembre 2017 Greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment processes: identifying triggering factors at laboratory and full-scale systems Ribera Guàrdia, Anna
out url icon Recercat Growth and diet of European catfish (Silurus glanis) in early and late invasion stages Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Benito, Josep ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 2009 Growth and diet of European catfish (Silurus glanis) in early and late invasion stages Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Benito, Josep ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 gener 2020 Hacia el desarrollo de un sistema de ayuda a la decisión para el tratamiento de aguaspotables: de la investigación básica a la óptima operación en planta real: Proyecto Watson Valentí-Quiroga, Meritxell ; Suquet Masó, Jordi ; Godo Pla, Lluís ; Verdaguer Planas, Marta ; Poch, Manuel ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Martín, María José
doc icon DUGiDocs 11 novembre 2011 Headspace needle-trap analysis of priority volatile organic compounds from aqueous samples: application to the analysis of natural and waste waters Alonso Roura, Mònica ; Cerdán Andrés, Laura ; Godayol Boix, Anna ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel
out url icon Recercat Headspace needle-trap analysis of priority volatile organic compounds from aqueous samples: application to the analysis of natural and waste waters Alonso Roura, Mònica ; Cerdán Andrés, Laura ; Godayol Boix, Anna ; Anticó i Daró, Ma. Enriqueta ; Sánchez Navarro, Juan Manuel
out url icon Recercat Herbivory and seasonal changes in diet of a highly endemic cyprinodontid fish (Aphanius farsicus) Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles ; Gholami, Zeinab ; Esmaeili, Hamid Reza ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2015 Herbivory and seasonal changes in diet of a highly endemic cyprinodontid fish (Aphanius farsicus) Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles ; Gholami, Zeinab ; Esmaeili, Hamid Reza ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 7 setembre 2016 Hidden drivers of low-dose pharmaceutical pollutant mixtures revealed by the novel GSA-QHTS screening method Rodea Palomares, Ismael ; Gonzalez Pleiter, Miguel ; Gonzalo, Soledad ; Rosal, Roberto ; Leganés, Francisco ; Sabater, Sergi ; Casellas, Maria ; Muñoz Carpena, Rafael ; Fernández Piñas, Francisca
out url icon Recercat Hidden drivers of low-dose pharmaceutical pollutant mixtures revealed by the novel GSA-QHTS screening method Rodea Palomares, Ismael ; Gonzalez Pleiter, Miguel ; Gonzalo, Soledad ; Rosal, Roberto ; Leganés, Francisco ; Sabater, Sergi ; Casellas, Maria ; Muñoz Carpena, Rafael ; Fernández Piñas, Francisca
out url icon Recercat Hidden drivers of low-dose pharmaceutical pollutant mixtures revealed by the novel GSA-QHTS screening method Rodea Palomares, Ismael ; Gonzalez Pleiter, Miguel ; Gonzalo, Soledad ; Rosal, Roberto ; Leganés, Francisco ; Sabater, Sergi ; Casellas, Maria ; Muñoz Carpena, Rafael ; Fernández Piñas, Francisca
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Hidden drivers of low-dose pharmaceutical pollutant mixtures revealed by the novel GSA-QHTS screening method
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Hidden drivers of low-dose pharmaceutical pollutant mixtures revealed by the novel GSA-QHTS screening method Rodea Palomares, Ismael ; Gonzalez Pleiter, Miguel ; Gonzalo, Soledad ; Rosal, Roberto ; Leganés, Francisco ; Sabater, Sergi ; Casellas, Maria ; Muñoz Carpena, Rafael ; Fernández Piñas, Francisca
doc icon DUGiDocs 23 novembre 2012 Hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction in the determination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products Sagristà Puig, Ester
doc icon TDX 23 novembre 2012 Hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction in the determination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products Sagristà i Puig, Ester
out url icon Recercat Hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction in the determination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products Sagristà Puig, Ester
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Homogenization Dynamics and Introduction Routes of Invasive Freshwater Fish in the Iberian Peninsula Clavero Pineda, Miguel ; García-Berthou, Emili
out url icon Recercat Homogenization Dynamics and Introduction Routes of Invasive Freshwater Fish in the Iberian Peninsula Clavero Pineda, Miguel ; García-Berthou, Emili
out url icon Recercat Homogenization Dynamics and Introduction Routes of Invasive Freshwater Fish in the Iberian Peninsula Clavero Pineda, Miguel ; García-Berthou, Emili
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Homogenization Dynamics and Introduction Routes of Invasive Freshwater Fish in the Iberian Peninsula
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Homogenization Dynamics and Introduction Routes of Invasive Freshwater Fish in the Iberian Peninsula Clavero Pineda, Miguel ; García-Berthou, Emili
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